50 years of passion for coffee
Gaetano Aiello and his dream
A unique aroma, a real Italian coffee with an extraordinary taste, proud ambassador of the art and philosophy of real Italian espresso worldwide. Top quality coffee beans are our first step to create an incredible experience which tantalises the senses and delights the palates of coffee lovers in Australia and all over the world, every single day.
Half a century on, the dream of Gaetano Aiello (our fouder) has now become reality and continues to take pride of place in Italian and Australian homes, offices, hotels, bars, restaurants and any other place reached by the unique taste of Gaetano Aiello’s blends.




Being ambassadors of Italian coffee in the world is even better if it allows us to support another special industry
that makes us proud of our nation: cinema.
By actively participating in the Cannes, Venice and Taormina Film Festivals, Caffè Aiello is proud to lend a helping
hand to the films produced and shot in Italy, as they vie with competitors in the international film-making sector.
The support provided in these large events has led to us being known as the “coffee of Italian cinema”, and for Caffè
Aiello this is both an honour and a commitment that we aim to renew every year.