Coffee and solidarity form a consolidated partnership in our company philosophy. Caffè Aiello has always been geared towards giving something back in return for the great passion bestowed on it by its fans, and also by lending real, practical support to humanitarian projects and projects of solidarity.
Indeed, Caffè Aiello has supported a wide range of social initiatives over the years, providing a large number of associations and organisations with real, practical help.
Together, coffee and solidarity have generated a series of important works. In particular, the following initiatives are worth mentioning:
- Donation of an ambulance to the Red Cross in 1996
- Donation of the personal medical equipment for the air ambulance of the hospital of Cosenza in 2001
- Donation of a defibrillator to the Regional Traffic Police Station in 2003
- Donation of a vehicle for blood transportation to AVIS in 2005
- Campaign for raising awareness for a “blood donation” day in 2005
- Partnership with the Homerus regatta of Paola (Cosenza) for the blind in 2010
- Sponsorship of “Il Polo del sorriso”, a day of sport and solidarity for supporting the Fondazione Operation Smile Italia Onlus at the Roman Aqueduct in Rome in 2014
- Sponsorship of the charity party held in the Centurion Palace in Venice for the “Unlimited Love” initiative of CBM Italia Onlus for blind African women in 2014
- Participation in the “Negozi di Natale 2015” project by Emergency, involving special Christmas shop windows, the proceeds from which were entirely donated to the initiatives of the humanitarian organisation for the victims of land mines and poverty.
Since it began operating, Caffè Aiello has set itself the priority of promoting the cultural development of the territory in which it operates, where in a short space of time the company has become a prime point of reference.
A result that is the direct and natural consequence of the dedication and commitment with which Caffè Aiello stubbornly fights to pave the way for a process of social development capable of at least partially gratifying the goodwill of the large group of friends and supporters who have passionately supported the company for years.
It was therefore a natural decision for Caffè Aiello to promote many cultural initiatives in support of its local area, including:
Multiyear sponsorship of the Rendano Theater Season with the ‘Chicco d’Oro’ prize assignment to many artists such as Vincenzo Salemme.
Partnership with Moda Movie since the first edition in 1997
Main sponsor of the Festival Euromediterraneo of Altomonte
Main sponsor of the “Sapori d’Autunno” food festival in Donnici (CS) since 2014
Sponsorship of the “Teatro d’aMare” event at the theatre of the Port of Tropea (VV)